1. Distributed block storage on k3s cluster (2023 - Now )
Platform engineering

Project involves to host Postgres database, using longhorn on my k3s cluster, consisting of three Raspberry Pi 4B 4GB. Longhorn implmements distributed block storage that enables replicated storage.
2. Qi Wireless Charged Door Lock (2020 - 2021)
Electronics Design | PCB Layout | Embedded Programming | Full-Stack Web

Project includes:
  • PCB design with a BLE enabled MCU that is performing electronics control for receiving wireless power from a reverse charging phone and BLE communication with the phone.
  • Mobile app developed with React Native using hooks, Redux for state management, that is consuming server API for user authentication and door key management.
  • Server API is developed with Python REST Django, hosted on DigitalOcean. It is responsible for user authentication and key management.
Communication chain is: door lock’s BLE SoC ← exchange of keys → phone running React Native app ← → server API hosted on DigitalOcean. Project also includes a protytype pre-order landing page developed with React, Next.js, GraphQL, Apollo, Knex, PostgreSQL and Docker. Running this project in my spare time.

PCB housing a BLE SoC and Wireless Power Rx electronics

Phone app developed with React Native

  • BLE - Bluetooth Low Energy
  • MCU - Microcontroller Unit
  • PCB - Printed Circuit Board
  • Rx - Receiver, commonly used in antenna context
  • SoC - System On Chip
3. Webshop & Order Management (Jun 2019 - Mar 2020)
Full-Stack Web

Built a webshop and an order management app. The webshop has generated 1500 orders. Tech used for building it is Python, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Hosted on DigitalOcean. Ran this project in my spare time.